Blueberry Picking at Jessop Farms

This last friday, the boys and I, accompanied by my mom and our friend Bridgette, drove out to Jessop Farms for some blueberry picking with my fellow MOPS moms. We all had the expectation of coming home with a large bucket full of blueberries, but being that it is almost the end of the season and had just experienced a heat wave, it was slim pickings. Not to mention that this has been “the thing” to do with your kiddos this year! The field had been ravaged by toddlers!

We still had a blast though, we all started out with our own little buckets, but by half way through, we just dumped our berries into Liam’s bucket and watched his face light up. He got quite the kick out of racing down the rows, allowing us women to fill his shiny bucket with yummy blueberries. What handful of big juicy berries we did find, Liam made them magically disappeared before they ever got near the bucket….he ate them as fast as we could find them!

At the end of the trip, we had almost a pound..

I’d like to say that I made blueberry muffins or pancakes with them, but besides eating a few handfuls here and there, this is what we made…

Blueberry Infused Cold House Vodka Tonic with fresh handpicked blueberries. It is my new favorite drink…seriously it was amazing! Waaaaay better then blueberry muffins, which I’m sure I would have burnt anyways.

Even though we didn’t load up on blueberries, the day was still a big success! Next year we will be heading out much earlier in the season and I might even try my hand at a few blueberry muffins!

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